
Have you ever wanted something so bad and wished for something so much to happen that you felt like a complete failure when it didn't?  Yup, that's me.  It's been hard to feel these emotions--especially when I am always talking about looking at life in a positive way.  But you know what?  The most important part of this roller coaster of life is about being you and only you. Not caring what other people think and not comparing yourself.  All too often, people get a perception of others due to social media and they don't see the rawness.

The truth.   Sometimes I wear shirts like this to remind myself that I truly am blessed.  Sometimes it is what I need to continually remind myself that day of what really matters.  Sometimes I am not the most positive person, and I need help pulling myself out of disappointments.  I don't believe we can always be happy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  It's okay to be sad.  It's okay to be angry.  And it's okay to be disappointed.  We need to feel these emotions in order to get through them.  It's how we deal with these emotions that really counts.  Life happens in mysterious ways and we have no control over that. In fact, I find that when I try to control my life, or any part of it, that's when things really start to fall apart.  Understanding that life happens for a reason and not everything can go the way we had hoped is huge, and life changing.  Letting go, and going with it is something I have learned to do and it really brings so much more less stress in my life, then the constant worry of what is going to be.

My biggest lesson that I have come to realize is that what is in store for all of us is so much greater than we have in mind.  There is divine timing in everything.  Letting go of what we thought would be and knowing that maybe the path we thought we were on is not exactly how it is going to pan out is what is important.

So, my friends, I'm not telling you that what I stand for is bull, but I do believe that social media has made it so no one ever sees the dirty stuff.  The parts where we are completely unsure of ourselves.  We all think that life is roses at other people's homes and that we are the only ones with shit sometimes.  But please, if you do one thing, do not believe it.  Do not believe it for one second.

Trust that life is taking us where we should be and listen for the signs.  They are there.  The only way we can hear or see them is if we sit.  Sit still.  Maybe this sounds crazy and it might have to me a year ago, but do it.  Set the timer on your phone for 5 minutes.  And sit.  Sit in silence.  Do it. Do it everyday.

Being in tune with ourselves is when we can be who we really are.  Don't hide.  Show the truth.  And if things don't work out exactly the way you thought or planned they would, feel the emotions.  Do what you have to do, but trust that God has a greater plan for you.  He sure does, and that I believe that whole-heartedly.

Much Love,

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