Full Body Workout
Hope all of you fabulous ladies are having a wonderful week! I've been experimenting with my workouts lately and wanted to share a full body workout I did this week. I've been doing 3 full body workouts that are intense along with 2 cardio days. I'm thinking of adding a booty/leg day as well, as that is my weaker area. Man I feel like my booty has completely disappeared with this pregnancy :( Squats and lunges, here I come!! This particular workout is fun, as you can try to get further through each week. As always, you want to warm your body up for about 5 minutes before starting this workout. Set your timer for 40 minutes and go through the exercises. Do 15 reps of each exercise, then move to the next one. Once you go through the whole workout, go back to the top and continue until the timer stops. Do as much as you can with minimal breaks. Each time you do this workout, try to get further through, so make sure you mark where you stopped each week!
I would love to hear what you think of this workout, and how you did! As always, reach out if you are unsure of what an exercise is!! You should be a sweaty mess when you are done!!!