Gratitude is all the rage right now, for a good reason. It is the route to all happiness. Having a grateful heart is where we can find pure bliss. But is it enough to just say what we are grateful for? It's a step in the right direction, but I believe we truly have to feel it.
I'm a big proponent of writing in a gratitude journal. I like to end my day with this every night, besides maybe a book--which I tend to read about one sentence and pass out lately. It's a perfect way to stay in alignment, and remind myself of how much I truly have to be grateful for. I believe it is a perfect way to make sure I start my morning with a grateful heart the next day.
But sometimes when I write in the journal, it is really just out of habit, and I quickly write my 5 things to go to bed.
What we need to do is look around and really grasp how truly lucky we are in life.
Use the five senses to really feel what we are grateful for. The fact that I'm even typing this blog from my laptop in my kitchen where the heat is keeping my nice and cozy is amazing. I mean stand up people, look around!!!! You are truly blessed. Feel it. Wherever you are. You, my friend, have a ton to be grateful for. Yes, we all have our crap.
We all have stuff in our lives where we wish we could change, but remember there is always, always, ALWAYS, something to be grateful for.
So please today, on this holiday, take a look around. Breathe it in. Feel it. Feel it in your heart; in pure amazement at everything you are truly grateful for. That my friends is route to happiness.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Much Love,