Real Talk
So this week has been an interesting one so far. Lately, I feel like I can't get out of my own way. Anyone else with me?? I'm a hot mess, and every where I turn, a project is staring at me in the face. I'm sure most moms can relate to this feeling. I open the car door in the morning to see that yesterday ventures was never taken out of the car. I go to put a dirty dish in the dishwasher, just to realize that it needs to be run. I go to start my laundry just to realize that the washer wasn't emptied and I need to re run that load again.
Needless to say, it's been one of those weeks. And to top it off, Little Miss K has been averaging a 5:30 am wake up call--just about when I am getting into the shower to get ready for work. Mornings now have turned into the house looking like a tornado went off! It's times like these when I have to dig deep to find a way to make this work without throwing myself on the bed face first pounding my fists, lol!
The point of this is not to be Debbie-Downer, but to more be realistic. I find that when asking new moms how it's going, most people will just answer, "great," when in reality they are just getting by on a thread. This gives people a misconception about others and tends to make you think, "why does she have it all together, and I can't." When in reality, you open up those drawers or baskets in their house and wala, there it is, everything isn't perfect and organized. (please don't look in my closets and drawers!!!!) It's nice to have a conversation with other moms and speak the truth---we are all in this together, and sometimes just sharing horrifying/funny stories can get us through those rough days!
Having young children is hard work, and somethings have to sacrifice. Some weeks I just can't get out of my own way, but I'm trying to let some things go and prioritize what has to be done and what my mind and body needs at this point. So for this week I made sure I showered (it didn't always include washing my hair!), serve healthy meals, have a clean and well kept child, work out at least 3 times (you can see a snippet of one of my workouts this week with Little K here), and sleep at least 7 hours. If I can do that the rest of the week, then I have accomplished exactly what I needed to accomplish! The passed week and half I have been missing my workouts, and I'm definitely seeing it affect my emotions. The other night, I decided to workout with Kensie at home. It wasn't my best workout, but I got a good sweat on and my endorphins going! I would love to hear how all of you fabulous mothers get through those tough weeks.