Speaking Up


I have thought something in my head for so long that it began to feel true. I have festered over things so much, yet once I spoke up I realized that it wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought. After days, and sometimes even months of this, I finally speak the truth to someone close to me and magically come to terms with what it is.

I have to constantly work at this. It’s a slow process. I’m so much happier now that I’ve spoken my truth, either, with family members, online, in my marriage, my friends ,or even to my kids. Keeping it inside only hurts me. I know that my truth isn’t always true to everyone else, but I also know that keeping my thoughts inside is painful mentally and physically.

I want to be a good friend. I want people to leave me knowing that I didn’t just tell them what they wanted to hear. I want to go to bed at night knowing that I said what I felt in my bones. I want to always listen to God’s word and be in tune with what He has put on my heart and speak it out loud.

That. That feels like gold. That feels like a deep exhale. That feels like complete freedom. Living in my truth and going with what feels right is my daily practice. Don’t do it alone. It’s so much harder that way. ❤️

Who’s with me????

Lots of Love,

Rachel Ibbison