Vacation Workout
Last week we had an amazing vacation on the beach. It was probably one of the most relaxing vacations we've had in a long time, although I came home quite exhausted! I don't know about you, but when I'm on vacation, the last thing I want to do is find a gym to workout in. I want to do my workouts outside. I want something different than what I typically do, so I find myself going out for a run then becoming creative and getting some sort of workout mixed in with it. This is what I did--1/2 mile run, then I found these beauties...
where I stopped and did this quick full body workout. I then finished with 1 1/2 miles and I was done! I want to remind you all that I'm 25 weeks pregnant, so feel free to play around with reps and sets if you are not!!
Here is a little snippet of me going through the workout!!
Do you feel like you need to be outside when you workout during vacation?? You can do this anywhere that you can find steps!! Let me know how you like it after you go through the workout. Share with a friend to get them motivated to get their workout in while enjoying the sunshine and outdoors!!