What I Know to Be True
I took a 5 day journaling challenge from one of my mentor's Amber Lilyestrom. I'm still in the process of it, as of course it will take longer than 5 days in the life of a mother!!
I sometimes forget how healing journaling truly is. At times I feel like it's just another item on my check list, but really this is the key to diving deep, healing, and understanding our thoughts.
Here is my excerpt. But before you read, try it on your own! You will thank me later ;)
Day 3 was
Here is what I know to be true....
- I am a warrior.
- I am a fighter.
- I will not give up.
- Being gentle with ourselves and admitting we are wrong is the quickest way to heal.
- Love is always the answer.
- When in doubt, dance it out.
- Everyone is a work in progress.
- Music changes everything.
- The story you're telling yourself is most likely a reflection of your feelings and not how other interpret it. (thank you Brene Brown <3 )
- Happiness is the true meaning of success.
- Learning to breath properly changed my life.
- I do not fully believe "money cannot buy happiness." It can't buy you happiness, but it sure can alleviate things that make us happy--the biggest being time.
- There is no one formula. Keep trying until it works.
- God is always giving us signs whether we are open to it or not. They are always there.
- Forgiveness is healing.
- Being me, unapologetically me, is the greatest gift we can give others.
- A grateful heart is a happy heart.
- There is always a lesson to be learned.
I hope you decided to do this. It's fun and enlightening. I would love to hear your truths!
Much Love,
Rachel Ibbison