What Happens When You Click on that Link
Have you ever wondered why I'm blogging? Have you ever wondered why I include links to products I recommend or promote certain products or companies?? Let me give you a little bit of my background! When I started blogging almost 2 years ago, I wasn't sure where it was going to take me. I always knew that journaling and writing for me is therapeutic, and also connecting with other like-minded people was a great way to get through this crazy thing called parenthood. I knew I had a story to share, and the best way was to share through my own page. I had been through something very tragic in my life, and I had finally felt like I was on the other side. If I could give hope to one person, then my job was done. So I decided to share my story, and continue to share my feelings of how I coped with everything to help ease the pain for someone that might have gone or is going through something similar. I also love sharing with other people, especially moms, what is working for me at the moment. Whether it's products, a method, or even sharing what isn't working for me to show that we are all human, and we all struggle day to day. Motherhood is the best job I have ever had, but it can also be taxing on us, and what a better way to go through this than to hold hands with each other and encourage one another through it?
I love sharing products I love or books that have really helped me, and I love when others share with me! Why hold it in, when you could help someone's day get a little bit better or easier?? So that is when I started collaborating with companies to use links in this site. Did you know that if you purchased something from a link on my site, rather than purchasing directly from their site, it does not cost anymore?? The company gives me a percentage for marketing their products. I stand by my word, and would never recommend something that I haven't tried out myself, or something that I wouldn't recommend to my family member, but when I find something that works really awesome for me or my family I do see if they are a part of affiliate marketing so I can continue to blog while helping support my family. The companies give a percentage to bloggers as a thank you for marketing their products. You are not charged more when you purchase items through a link in my blog post.
I always thought that people understood this, but I guess unless you are involved with blogging or the laptop lifestyle, not everyone understands this. I stand by my word, and always want to be honest with my readers, so I thought I would share in case you were wondering! Just keeping in real :)
Have you ever wondered what happens when you click on a link in a blog? Do you like when I recommend products??