Get Your Sweat On Thanksgiving Morning!

Here we go!!!  I know it's hard to fit everything in on Thanksgiving.  A lot of you have been asking me how do I ensure that I don't have a ton of weight gain on Thanksgiving.  My advide to you is to get in a sweaty workout in the morning, enjoy the meal, and move on :) Here is a quick and easy workout you can do at home.  Make sure you warm-up and cool down for 5 minutes each.  Go through this workout 3-4 times, depending on your fitness level.  Do each workout for 15 reps :)


If you are unsure of what these exercises are, here is a quick video.  If you have questions, ask away, and if you do this workout, let me know what you think!!!  Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!



Please consult your physician before starting any exercise program shared on  If you have any health issues or injuries please seek personal professional assistance.  Any actions that you take as a result from this program you do so at your own risk.  Accordingly you release from any liability now and in the future including, but not limited to, injuries, illness, or even death, however caused, occurring during or after any actions that you have taken as a result of reading this content.